How to get unblocked when marketing your art.

There is a reason that Creative Voices has a cohort devoted to artists and makers. The art you make has the ability to inspire, spark change, educate, and give meaning to our lives. A society cannot exist without art. Which makes artists and makers vital.

On the journey of being a freelance or independent artist, the first big hump is getting out of the rat race of always chasing the next sale.

The internet has made so many things possible. Artists are no longer dependent on agents and galleries. You can reach your audience without winning over a gatekeeper. There is a lot of creative independence that comes with this. Build a supportive audience and you protect your voice. You are free to create what you want, rather than what a gallery or agent or producer wants to sell.

But with this blessing, there is also a whole new list of skills and duties that you must add to your repetoire. And one of those is marketing. The ability to find your people and build your audience.


On the journey of being a freelance or independent artist, the first big hump is getting out of the rat race of always chasing the next sale. I recently wrote an article on The Abundant Artist helping artists like you clear that first big hurdle. Check it out below.


A new era begins.


Creative Voices isn’t for everybody.