Every Season Ends (the short film)
Some ideas are magic. They take hold and don’t let go until you bring them into existence.
It was nearly a year between that first moment and filming. But in that time, the idea was never far away. It would resurface in my consciousness every week or so. In other words, this idea wouldn’t go quietly. At first, it was just the shape of an idea — a film, a story, told at least partially with music.
But you cannot bring something like this to life alone. You need music, for starters. The right person, the right story told through lyrics.
But as fate would have it, that right person was only one connection away. After a commercial shoot, the model and I were chatting as I packed up my things. She was getting back into music after a long hiatus. And so I casually mentioned this idea, this story I wanted to make with music as a main character. She immediately had someone in mind.
Some two months later, we all sat down for lunch. Creating is something I love, but I also understand that it’s something no two people do the same. There are differences in process and differences in goals.
True creative collaboration is a rare gift.
And from that first lunch, it was clear that this was one of those rare gifts. At Creative Voices, the content for the fall season was loosely around the idea of journeys; not every season can be one of harvest. And Chloe was just finishing a five song EP where each song represents a phase in the grieving process. There are seasons of pain and seasons of coming back to life.
In what seemed like no time at all, we had a team assembled. And the lyrics for the EP were so expressive that the story and script blossomed easily. My original concept was to build a short film around a single song. But the EP felt too much like a unit to excise just one song.
In the end, we used all five songs. Each song a chapter in the album and each song a chapter in the film.
The title comes from a lyric in song four. From my first listen Every Season Ends stood out; it’s a beautiful, haunting lyric and I’m proud to have it on this film.
More Behind the Scenes coming soon!