A new way to learn.

The best way to quickly grasp brand strategy is to think of a tree. At least half of a tree exists out of sight and underground. But what’s above the surface reflects the integrity of what’s below it. Without strong roots, everything above ground suffers.

When it comes to your work, brand strategy is the roots.

Everything you don't see from the outside about who you are and why you care. But knowing this with razor sharp clarity, means that everything else you do is more effective. Everything that will be seen from the outside, things made for an audience and customers — a storefront, marketing, packaging, events, emails — all this will thrive when you have a strong brand strategy in place.

Lovingly put into your brand strategy and it starts a cycle of flourishing. Because a brand strategy is not a one-and-done. The more you put into your roots, the more the top of the tree can grow and thrive. And over time, as the top thrives, it allows the roots to grow deeper. This relationship is natural, it's how a tree grows and it's how you unlock sustainable growth for your business, your work.

Growth in our culture is supercharged and often synthetic.

Think of how we raise animal agriculture. We stuff poor creatures full of growth hormones and antibiotics to get them to market as soon as possible. Never mind kindness, care, or even health. And how much our businesses and our work lives treated the same?

Grow as fast as you can, earn more, make an exit. Don't worry about living, you can do that after the hustle. This is not what I want for myself, not really. And I bet it's not really what you want for yourself either. I want the healthy growth that comes with tending things well, over time. And the peace that comes from knowing that your efforts are leading to meaningful growth. This is brand strategy.


Small shop revival.


How to cultivate more authenticity in your work.